Come and Run!

Couch to 5k? Or maybe just a coffee?

Fancy some company and motivation to get running…?

Or a coffee while the kids burn off some energy?

Photo of the Great Shelford Sports Pavillion viewed from across the Rec

Shelford Playscape will be hosting a meet up point and pop up cafe from 4pm-5pm on Friday afternoon’s at the Sports Pavilion on Great Shelford Rec on:

7th, 14th, 21st & 28th June 2019

and 5th & 19th July 2019!

We’ll set out some cones to indicate a measured route around the football pitches for people who want to get running (and for any keen kids, we’ll keep a tally of your mileage and pass it on to your school to add to your Golden Mile Award!).

There won’t be a formal training session, we just want to provide an opportunity for people to get together and encourage each other (and an excuse for a chat and some cake!)!

We’d love to see you there!